请注意: Rebate applications must be submitted from a desktop or laptop computer. Entries submitted from mobile devices cannot be processed at this time.

此回扣计划适用于所有坦帕电力商业和工业客户. 它旨在认可和鼓励客户对新的或现有的高峰需求转移/减少节能措施或技术进行投资. Both new and existing construction projects 有资格 for this rebate.

许多节能措施和技术已经被独立的坦帕电力商业和工业退税计划所涵盖. 如果节能措施或技术已经包含在十大网赌靠谱网址平台的其他退税计划中, the measure or technology cannot be funded by this program.


最高回扣高达$92每千瓦(kW)减少将支付基于高峰需求节省在定义的高峰期间5便士.m. 在8月. 和7a.m. 在1月., Monday through Friday. 高峰需求节约与公用事业高峰同时进行比较,以确定有资格获得回扣的总千瓦减少.

Does the measure need to save energy?

No, 需求移峰/降峰节能措施或技术不需要节能.

Does the measure need to save demand?

是的, 这是一个需求侧管理程序,意味着客户的需求负荷需要与公用事业高峰同时减少, typically shifted to off-peak hours or reduced.

How do I know if my project will 有资格?

资格, 客户必须在初步工程分析期间向十大网赌靠谱网址平台提交一份节约价值回扣申请和一份需求和能源计算表. 十大网赌靠谱网址平台将对申请进行审查和分析,并将通过颁发资格预审证书来通知客户减少高峰需求的节能措施或技术是否符合退税资格.

投资回收期在两年以内的节能措施或技术不符合条件,也不批准退税. 一个重要的注意事项-如果在资格预审证书颁发之前购买了任何支持减少需求节能措施的设备, no rebate will be paid.


Renewable energy sources, 制冷措施和其他节能措施或技术要求不包括在坦帕电力批准的其他节能计划.

What are some examples of energy conservation measures or technologies that  有资格?

这将包括可能与环境法规相冲突的节能措施(氟氯化碳), 节约用水, indoor air quality), 现场生成, emergency generation and cogeneration. Other technologies that would not 有资格 include conventional cooling equipment, 水加热, 照明, 入住率传感器, 汽车, energy recovery ventilation.

另外, 客户已进行操作(行为)修改的设备不合格. If a measure qualifies for two rebates (坦帕电 and another utility company), 坦帕电 will not pay a rebate so that a double payment is avoided. 投资回收期少于两年的节能措施或节能技术将不符合条件.

  1. With the help of a 坦帕电 representative, 你或你的能源顾问必须就转移/减低高峰需求的节能措施或技术,提交节约价值返利申请.
  2. 坦帕电 may perform an on-site pre-verification analysis.
  3. 十大网赌靠谱网址平台将对申请进行审查和分析,并通过颁发资格预审证书来通知客户减少需求的措施或技术是否符合退款要求.
  4. 减峰节能措施或技术回收期低于两年的,或者在资格预审证书签发之日之前购买设备的,不予批准退税.
  5. After 90 days of successful operation, 坦帕电力将对高峰需求转移/减少节能措施或技术进行测量和验证. 如果节能措施或技术在5p的峰值时段内节能超过50kw.m. 在8月. 和7a.m. 在1月., 回扣的一半将根据与同期高峰相比的实际表现支付. 第二部分返利将在运行12个月后根据与同期峰值相比的实际表现支付. Some monitoring within the customer's facility, 分布, and/or control panels may be required for measurement and verification purposes.
What are all the steps for this program?

To participate, please follow these steps:

  1. Download and submit the 保护价值 program application. Once you submit the application, 您将收到一个注册/确认号码,您可以使用该号码访问您的应用程序. Be sure to write down and save the enrollment/confirmation number.
  2. Download and submit a Demand and Energy Calculations form.
  3. Once your application is received, a 坦帕电 representative will schedule an on-site verification if required.
  4. 十大网赌靠谱网址平台将使用佛罗里达公共服务委员会在规则25-17中描述的成本效益测试来确定回扣资格.008, Florida Administrative Code.
  5. If the project is approved for a 保护价值 rebate, 坦帕电 will issue a *Pre-Qualifying Certificate.
  6. Upon completion of all the program guidelines, 坦帕电 will process the rebate.


要访问 existing application, 只需输入您最初提交申请时收到的注册/确认号码. This will allow you to make changes and upload any required files.


No, to be eligible for this rebate program, 在资格预审证书签发日期之前,不得购买设备.

How long does it take to receive the rebate?

在满足所有计划要求后,请给您四周的时间来处理您的退税支票. 要访问 existing application Secure Web Form, 只需输入您最初提交申请时收到的注册/确认号码. This will allow you to make changes and upload any required files.

If you have questions, please email comconreq@tecoenergy.com 或打电话 813-275-3909 on weekdays from 8 a.m. 到5点.m.

Additional 资源

Ask for Identification

所有十大国际老虎机平台团队成员和承包商都必须携带带照片的身份证. If you are uncertain about an individual's association with 坦帕电, please 联系十大国际老虎机平台 为验证.

